In March 2024, we underwent a voluntary assessment of sustainability aspects by the independent service provider EcoVadis. With the result achieved, we are among the top 35% of the companies assessed in our industry.
We are proud to have achieved this result, as it shows that our diverse efforts to act sustainably in the areas of:
- Environmental protection
- Labor and human rights
- Ethics
- Sustainable procurement
are effective.
Of course, we also take this result as an incentive to improve further and have therefore already begun to implement the numerous valuable suggestions we received regarding possible improvements.
Corporate Responsibility
Anti-corruption policy as well as code of conduct and ethics escalation policy
EPSa adherences to ethical values, fair dealings with each other. Undertaking appropriate actions inside the company as well as throughout the supply chain are indispensable elements of responsible and economic action on the market.
As a prerequisite for this, meeting the requirements of all stakeholders as well as conformity with external requirements and ethical principles are considered as matter of course. All objectives and strategic targets set by EPSa's management are chosen in such a way that respectful and dignified treatment of employees, safe working conditions and environmentally conscious actions can be ensured.
The implementation of the Code of Conduct drawn up by EPSa's management is binding for every employee without any compromise. The executives and in particular the management itself as well as the leadership team are committed to the implementation of the Code of Conduct at all times within the scope of their management duties and act in the awareness that they have a role model function.
EPSa rejects strictly any form of discrimination, and acts accordingly, especially in personnel decisions. We encourage our employees to unequivocally oppose discrimination in the same way.
Disciplinary actions
EPSa dissociates itself from any disciplinary action based on corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion, and/or verbal abuse.
EPSa obligates its employees to maintain absolute confidentiality towards third parties regarding all information related to the business processes, the same applies to the compliance with all requirements of data protection.
Health and safety
EPSa considers its duty to protect the health and safety of its employees and designs working conditions accordingly. Every employee is called upon to support the implementation of this requirement by consistently acting in accordance with the safety specifications.
Social engagement
EPSa is aware of its responsibility towards its environment and actively fulfills this responsibility. Open and honest communication is maintained with all interested external parties.
Conflicts of interest, bribery and corruption
EPSa requests all employees to behave in such a way that their personal or financial interests do not conflict with those of EPSa or that internal company processes (especially decision-making processes) are not influenced. Employees are prohibited from any actions that could have the appearance of bribery or the acceptance of an advantage. This also includes such offers to third parties.
Antitrust and competition law rules
EPSa markets its products and services openly and fairly. Bid rigging or other illegal conduct that would result in a distortion of competition is not practiced.
Freedom of association & right to collective bargaining
EPSa grants all employees the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining and undertakes to comply with all agreements reached on this basis with the workforce and/or their representatives.
Supplier and Import
EPSa expects from its supplier thorough execution of this documents content. In case of imported goods all legal requirements are met, including declaration of origin and correct classification of goods.
Human Rights
EPSa respects the dignity of every human being. Compliance with international human rights is therefore a matter of course. Child labor, forced labor and working conditions that do not conform to international or national laws are not tolerated.
Motivation and continuing education
For EPSa, the identification of employees with the company's goals, the target- and demand-oriented further training of the workforce and the development of leadership skills are a matter of course and are actively pursued.
Asset protection
Employees perform their work tasks in a manner that ensures the protection of EPSa's tangible and intangible property.
Environmental protection
Ensuring environmental protection and all related processes are part of the corporate policy and thus of the daily actions of EPSa and its employees.
All employees are fully aware of the principles of corporate responsibility. They act in accordance with them in the course of their work. In the event of questions regarding implementation or interpretation, as well as reports of violations, the immediate supervisor must be informed. Violations by employees will be corrected immediately (if possible) and will result in disciplinary measures. Violations by business partners will be openly communicated to them and they will be asked to change their behavior. If this is not successful, EPSa will seek to terminate the business relationship. Should third parties become aware of violations of these principles of corporate responsibility by employees of EPSa or business partners, the management will be asked to be informed.